When creating a strategic marketing plan, many organizations do not know where to begin. The first idea is, let’s get a website and business cards. In reality the fundamentals in a strategy is understanding your stakeholders. Our team at OMG, takes a step back and conducts research that will point us to the right website design, the best messaging and channels to position brands. The data reveals Who are you selling to, collaborating with and competing against. The OMG Puzzle adopted from Dr. Rebecca Weintraub has been a pillar in providing clients a research based approach to strategic marketing.

“As an alumni of USC School of Annenberg, I studied under Dr.Rebecca Weintraub and was fascinated by the puzzle process. I am grateful for her teachings and with her permission we have been able to use this with clients. It’s a new journey each time I write a plan,” said Lourdes del Rio-Valdes, Client Strategy at Oracle Method Group.

Investing in a strategic marketing plan can save organizations money. It’s is much more effective to understand clearly the path to your stakeholders, rather than spending money in creating content randomly and having to do everything again with the correct strategy.

We invite you to download your cheat sheet and get on the journey to writing a solid plan. As with any plan, if you do not revisit and make adjustments it can fail. So use the OMG Puzzle Method as a guide and reference the finished plan as you schedule your task. OMG integrates project management, strategic marketing and creative development for clients around the world. Join us with the Methods That Work!